Daniella Velazquez de LEOn
General Manager, Organics Unlimited
Daniella serves as general manager of Organics Unlimited, where she's responsible for the success of day-to-day operations across farms, sourcing, logistics, sales, distribution, and logistics. She is the fourth generation of organic growers in her family and the third generation of organic banana wholesalers. A San Diego native, she began with a career in advertising, spending seven years developing digital marketing solutions for platforms such as Facebook and Pinterest. In her free time, she helped with Organics Unlimited and joined her mother Mayra at industry trade shows. That experience showed her the passion of fellow members of the organic industry, so she decided to join the family business full-time. She worked across multiple functions to learn the ropes, including operations and logistics, and of course marketing. “For me, organic isn’t just a job. It’s my family’s legacy. I believe in the power of organic to impact positive change within our food system.”