Share information about Organicology with your network in your email campaigns, newsletters, event calendars, social media, or other communications outlets. If you have questions or would like custom promotional tools, please email

Promotional Toolkit

Event DetailS

March 12-14, 2025 

Revolution Hall | Portland, OR


Taking place March 12-14, 2025 in Portland, Organicology brings together contributors, advocates and change-makers from across the organic trade to revolutionize food, agriculture and economic models for the better.

Together we share our work, progress, and challenges, unearth possibilities and build the deep connections needed to grow the organic agriculture movement today and for an ever-improving future. Organicology is designed with a rebellious spirit and forward focus and promotes cross-pollination as attendees share time and space with not only their peers, but with a wide range of trade practitioners, creating opportunities to better understand the whole of which they are part.

Organicology is a unique conference experience that aims to share the latest in organic industry research, education, and connection. Filled with inspiring keynote speakers, engaging workshops, and fantastic entertainment – it’s not your typical industry event. We bring together people from all corners of the trade to foster skill development, celebrate successes, and tackle challenges collectively. Join us for a conference that's truly one-of-a-kind!


Sample Email Content

Join me at Organicology March 12-14, 2025 along with contributors, advocates and change-makers from across the organic trade to revolutionize food, agriculture and economic models for the better. We look forward to sharing our latest work, progress, and challenges while unearthing possibilities and building the deep connections needed to grow the organic agriculture movement today and for an ever-improving future. 

Learn more here:

See you there!


Social MEDIA

Below you will find sample verbiage to use on your social media channels. Use hashtag #Organicology2025 in your posts and tag @Organicology in your posts.

Sample Posts

@Organicology is back!

March 12-14, 2025 at Revolution Hall in Portland, OR.

Join me and other contributors, advocates and change-makers from across the organic trade to revolutionize food, agriculture and economic models for the better.

πŸ”— #Organicology2025

Join me @Organicology2025 March 12-14 at Revolution Hall in Portland, OR to share our work, progress, and challenges, unearth possibilities and build the deep connections needed to grow the #organic agriculture movement today and for an ever-improving future. 

πŸ”— #Organicology2025


A gallery of graphics below can be downloaded and used in your promotions of Organicology - including the event logo and social graphics sampled below.